Santa Luzia | Brazil

Processing: natural



Another installment of our robotic heresy! This time, 100% of these infernal grains are going into a version for espresso machines and the like. Sweet, sticky, dense, round. In our opinion: the ultimate espresso! Who dares to try the choco/choco from canephora!

Weight N/A






Heretical opinions

Peter: “This coffee grew at 190 meters above sea level, which is lower than Lublin lies. Lots of depth, chocolate-truffle sweetness, body so powerful that any prudish arabica hides. Dense and intense. The fruit is also clear, plays in the background, completes the balance. On kapuczinko you draw what you want, Pollock or Rembrandt in 1:1 scale, no hay problema. In my opinion – the ultimate espresso.

More geeky stuff

location of crops: 190 meters above sea level (sic!).

harvest: 2021/2022

importer: Coffee Grange


It’s rare to find coffee from a small Brazilian producer. Usually we have to deal with farmers whose tracts of trees reach to the horizon and beyond! But Rozeli da Silva is a cupcake who knows what she wants and does it under interesting conditions. Its fine robusta grows on a small area of four hectares, just 190 meters above sea level. If anything, it’s lower than Lublin.

Rozeli states: “Our work is exclusively hand-picked and small batches of high-quality coffee. Well, and how we respect that…. I think we’re a good match <3

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